Islamic Information about Child
it provides all information about Islam for muslim Child. It will cover historical islamic images, islamic stories, ethics, habits principles, widom and basic information of Holly Quran, Al Hadith and kindness of Syedna Muhammad (PBUH). It provide current affaire of Muslin World
Sunday, 7 July 2024
Monday, 3 March 2014
Animals Mentioned in the Holy Qur'an
"This article displays pictures of animals, birds, and other living things mentioned in the Holy Quran, along with explanations and references. It's aimed at making the Quran interesting and educational for children
No |
Name |
Animals Pictures |
Reference |
1 |
Ant |
Until when
they came to a valley of ants, an ant said, “O ants! Enter your homes lest
Sulaymān and his army crush you while they are unaware.” (Surah An Naml ≫ ayat
18 ≫) |
2 |
Apes |
And surely you know ˹of ˺ those, from
among you, who transgressed on the Sabbath (Saturday). So We said to them,
“Become rejected apes.”( Surah Al Baqarah ≫ ayat 65) |
3 |
Donkey |
Be moderate in your pace.
And lower your voice, for the ugliest of all voices is certainly the braying
of donkeys.” ( surah luqman ayat 19) 2-
The example of those who
were entrusted with ˹observing˺ the Torah but failed to do so, is that of a
donkey carrying books.( Surah al jumu,ah
ayat 5) 3-
and look at your donkey
(which has decomposed). And (all this was done) so that We can make you a
sign for the people, and look at the bones, (observe) how We will raise them
and cover them with flesh.”( Surah Al Baqarah ≫ ayat 259) |
4 |
Cow |
In Quran (Al
Baqara) from verse 2.67 – 2.73, it's about Cow. like a cow neither too old
nor too young, but between the two conditions (2.68). Also the cow has never
till a land or water the field (2.71) and the cow should be bright yellow in
color (2.69). |
5 |
Crow |
Then, Allah
sent a crow digging the earth to show him how to conceal his brother’s
corpse.( Surah Al Maidah ≫
ayat 31) |
6 |
Dog |
And had We willed, We
would have elevated him through it. However, he became inclined to this world
and followed his desires; so his state is like that of a dog, if you show
aggression towards him, he displays his tongue, or if you abandon him, he
shows his tongue ˹too˺. This is the state of the people who rejected Our
verses, so relate these accounts that they may contemplate.[ Surah Al Araf ≫ ayat
176] 2-
And you will consider
them to be awake even though they are asleep, and We turn them over to the
right side, and the left, and their dog[1] is at the mouth of the cave with
its forelegs outstretched.[ Surah Al Kahf ≫ ayat 18] |
7 |
Elephant |
Did you not
see what your Lord did to the people of the elephant? [Surah Al Feel ≫ ayat
1] |
8 |
Ewes (female
sheep |
Indeed, this
is my brother; he has ninety-nine ewes and I have a single ewe. Now he says,
‘Give it to me.’ And he has compelled me through speech.”( Surah Sad ≫ ayat
23) |
9 |
Fish |
During the Sabbath,
˹abundant˺ fish would surface, but on other days, the fish were never seen.( Surah
Al Araf ≫ ayat
163) 2-
So when they reached the
place where the two seas meet, they forgot their fish; so it made its path in
the sea, like a burrow.( Surah Al Kahf ≫
ayat 61) 3-
So be patient until the
command of your Lord and be not like the companion of the fish;[1] when he
called out while he was overcome with sorrow.( Surah Al Qalam ≫ ayat
48) |
10 |
Fly |
O people! An example has been stated so
listen to it attentively. Those whom you worship other than Allah are not
˹even capable of˺ creating a fly—even if all of them combine ˹their efforts˺
to do so. And if a fly takes something away from them, they cannot even
retrieve it—how weak is the seeker and the sought (Surah Al Hajj ≫ ayat
73) |
11 |
Horses |
The love of desires has
been beautified for people; namely women, sons, piles of hoarded gold and
silver, branded horses, livestock, and farms.( Surah Al Imran ≫ ayat
14) 2-
And prepare for them all
the power (troops) you can gather, and tie as many ˹readied˺ horses as you
can, so that you instil fear through this in the enemies of Allah and your
enemies and other than them (Surah Al Anfal ≫ ayat 60) 3-
And the horse, the mule,
and the donkey that you may ride them, and ˹they are˺ adornment ˹for you˺.
And He shall ˹soon˺ create what you do not know.[1] |
Lion |
fleeing from a lion? (Surah Al Mudassir ≫ ayat 51) |
13 |
Locusts |
So We unleashed upon them
a storm, and locusts, and lice, and frogs, and blood ― a series of clear
signs;[1] so they resorted to arrogance, and they were a transgressing
nation. (Surah Al Araf ≫
ayat 133) 2- So with their downcast eyes they will come forth from their graves like they are scattered locusts.() Surah Al Qamar ≫ ayat 7 |
14 |
Bee |
And your Lord revealed to the bee, “Make an abode in the mountains, and in the trees, and in the roofs.(Surah An Nahl ≫ ayat 68,69) |
15 |
Frogs |
So We
unleashed upon them a storm, and locusts, and lice, and frogs, and blood ― a
series of clear signs;[1] so they resorted to arrogance, and they were a
transgressing nation.( Surah Al Araf ≫
ayat 133) |
Serpent |
So Mūsā cast his staff down, then instantly it became a clearly visible serpent. (Surah Al Araf ≫ ayat 107) |
Sheep/Goats |
created˺ eight pairs. A pair from the sheep and a pair from the goats (Surah
Al Anam ≫ ayat
143) |
18 |
Spider |
The example
of those who have taken helpers other than Allah is like that of the spider
which made a house (web); and the weakest of houses is the spider’s house—if
only they knew(Surah Al Ankabut ≫
ayat 41) |
Mosquito |
Allah is not
shy of stating anything[1] in relating an example, whether it is ˹even˺ a
mosquito or above that. |
20 |
Camel |
he word نَاقَةُ
بَعِيرٍجمل etc mentioned 15 times in Quran in 15 verses. ( 6;144, ) (7:40)
(7:73) (7:77) (11:64) (12:72) (17:59) (26:155) (54:27) (56:55) (59:6) (77:33) (81:4) (88:17) (91:13 |
Sunday, 2 March 2014
Learning Arabic(The Arabic Course for English-Speaking Students )Arabic grammar and the Qur'an
Treasures of Arabic Morphology (Min Kunuz al-Sarf) by Shaykh Ebrahim Muhammad. arabic grammar (sarf) in english
From the Treasures of Arabic Morphology( من کنوز الصرف )
The Holy Qur'an, revered as the word of Allah, is known for its eloquence and clarity. Reading the Qur'an is akin to conversing with Allah as if He speaks directly to us. For success in this life and the hereafter, we need a guide that leaves no room for doubt, allowing us to pursue our journey without wasting time and effort on futile endeavors. This invaluable guidance is found in the Holy Qur'an, as Allah Himself declares in the Qur'an, "This is a book in which there is no doubt, a guide for those who fear Allah." As Muslims, we firmly believe that adhering to the teachings of the Qur'an ensures success in both worlds.
Since the Holy Qur'an was revealed in Arabic, understanding its divine message requires a grasp of the Arabic language. Arabic scholars have developed two branches of grammar to facilitate this understanding: [SURF] and [NAHWE]. [SURF] pertains to the structure and formation of words, while [NAHWE] focuses on the syntax and order of words in sentences. Mastery of these grammatical sciences is essential for a deeper comprehension of Allah's words.
An important book on [SURF] is available for reading and download to aid in this pursuit. This resource is crucial for anyone seeking to understand Arabic grammar and the Qur'an itself. Click the link below to access and download this vital book on [SURF], and embark on your journey to understanding the divine guidance of the Holy Qur'an. Read online /Download
The Holy Qur'an, revered as the word of Allah, is celebrated for its eloquence and clarity. Reading the Qur'an is akin to conversing with Allah as if He speaks directly to us. For success in this life and the hereafter, we need an unwavering guide that leaves no room for doubt, allowing us to pursue our journey without wasting time and effort on futile endeavors. This invaluable guidance is found in the Holy Qur'an, as Allah Himself declares in the Qur'an, "This is a book in which there is no doubt, a guide for those who fear Allah." As Muslims, we firmly believe that adhering to the teachings of the Qur'an ensures success in both worlds.
Since the Holy Qur'an was revealed in Arabic, understanding its divine message necessitates the Arabic language. Arabic scholars have developed two essential branches of grammar to facilitate this understanding: [SURF] and [NAHWE]. [SURF] pertains to the structure and formation of words, while [NAHWE] focuses on the syntax and order of words in sentences. Mastery of these grammatical sciences is essential for a deeper comprehension of Allah's words.
An important book on [NAHWE] is available for reading and download to aid in this pursuit. This resource is crucial for anyone seeking to understand Arabic grammar and the Qur'an itself. Click the link below to access and download this vital book on [SURF], and embark on your journey to understanding the divine guidance of the Holy Qur'an.Read/ Download
Monday, 30 December 2013
Ghar-E-Hira (Cave of Hira)
Almighty sent Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa(ﷺ)
as a mercy for all the worlds, as Allah Almighty says in the Holy Qur'an ؛ (. (وَ
مَاۤ اَرْسَلْنٰكَ اِلَّا رَحْمَةً لِّلْعٰلَمِیْنَ)Translation:
We have sent you as a mercy for all the worlds. On the other hand, Allah has
chosen the words for Himself; (اَلْحَمْدُ
لِلّٰهِ رَبِّ الْعٰلَمِیْنَ)
All praises are due to Allah, the Sustainer of all the worlds. Allah Ta'ala is
the Lord of all the worlds and Allah Ta'ala has used the words
Rahmat-ul-Lalameen for you, so it is easy to know your ﷺgreatness and excellence. There is no such entity in the world
except youﷺ. Every act of which has been preserved by
writing in, such a way that in this modern era, we cannot Preserve all the
works of any personality despite the technology. As each of the Yourﷺ actions are safe without technology, circumstances before your
birth, the events at the time of birth, the events after birth, the events of
your ﷺ childhood, your ﷺyouth, the revelation upon you
ﷺ. How did the series start, and what strategy did you ﷺ adopt to convey it to the people after the
first revelation? Everything is preserved in the books of history and
biography. Various stages and events keep happening in human life. There are billions of
people in the world, many people have died before and many people will come
later. So, every person will have their own problems. Every person will have to
go through different stages of life according to their environment. But every
man needs a perfect leader, a perfect being, to guide him. So, whoever wants to
be successful in this world and the hereafter, for all of them, however numerous
they may be. And they live in any environment. All these people can save
themselves from failure and reach the highest levels of success by taking
advantage of theirﷺ character and methods. Like
all situations and events in your life, all events of Ghar Hirra are fundamental
especially the beginning of the revelation of the Holy Quran. The place where
the revelation of the Holy Quran began, this place is remembered as the Cave of
Hara. Even that holy place is Present in the Holy Land where you were born. As
Muslims, the Quran is our basic need. No Muslim's life can be complete without the
Quran. No Muslim has the power to deny the greatness of the Holy Quran. The
history of Ghar Hira gives us a lot of benefits to show the greatness and
magnificence of the Holy Quran. Because the place where the Holy Qur'an was to
be revealed was perfumed several days ago by mentioning the name of Allah. And
the heart on which the Qur'an was to be revealed was already filled with the
mercy of Allah. As Allah says himself. But in order to make this mercy brighter
and more fragrant, you have been busy in the remembrance of Allah Ta'ala,
separated from the world for a long time. Many commentators, biographers,
historians, philosophers, scholars, and hadiths have tried to explain this time
in their own way. Everyone's style is so beautiful. But in every way, we see
the majesty of the Holy Quran and you ﷺwith it.
We also get an invitation to think and think from many aspects. And we also get
guidance to adjust ourselves according to different situations. The fear of
Allah arises and the reality of the world is also known. The greatness of the
Lord is also known. Therefore, we need to consider the life of the Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) from different angles, and ways,
with a wide heart, and with the highest level of love.
View of Mountain Arafaat
Mount Arafat is a special place near the holy city of Makkah in Saudi Arabia. It is a granite hill that stands about 70 meters high. A long time ago, it is believed that Adam and Eve, the first humans, met each other again on this hill after being separated for 200 years. They were very happy to see each other, and Allah, the Merciful, forgave them for their mistake.
In present times Mount Arafat is an important place for Muslims who perform Hajj, Which is a special pilgrimage that Muslims try to do at least once in their lifetime. During Hajj, pilgrims spend an afternoon on Mount Arafat in deep prayer and reflection. This day is called the Day of Arafah and, It is very important part of Hajj. Pilgrims ask for Allah's forgiveness and pray for their wishes to come true. It is a time of great spirituality and connection with Allah.